Ciao! It’s no secret that Italian is one of the most popular cuisines around the world and probably always will be. There just something so special about fresh, real Italian food. Let’s face it, Italy has given blessed the world with some of the most iconic and delicious dishes for centuries. The most difficult thing that comes with choosing an Italian themed dinner night is deciding which dishes out of the seemingly endless options. So, let’s take a look at the top Italian dishes! Warning it will probably make you hungry and you’ll most definitely be craving to host an Italian-themed dinner party…
I mean, do I really need to say any more? You simply can not go wrong with choosing pizza as a dinner option (for adults and kids). What’s your favourite pizza? vegetarian? hawaiian? BBQ chicken? quattro formaggi? the classic margherita? meat feast? the options really are endlesss. The best thing about choosing pizza as a dinner option for your guests is that you can make many different ones with a varitety of different toppings. So you are almost guaranteed to meet the taste perfreances of every single guest. And that’s the goal, right? The most popular toppings include peppers, mushrooms, black olives, onion. bacon, sausages, pepperoni, ham, pinapple (controversial I know) and cheeeeeeeese (lots of it). This is to name a popular few but you really can add anything. Is anyone else getting hungry?
Pasta, a dish that everyone is guilty of cooking 3-4 times a week. And there are very good reasons for this – it’s cheap, convenient and tasty. And saying it’s versatile almost seems like an understatement. There are countless different types of pasta forms. Such as penne, conchilglie, lasagne, garganellia, fusilli, orecchiette, fettuccine, spaghetti, cannelloni, vermicelli, linguine, rigatoni. Should i go on? it’s hard to get bored of this classic dish when there’s so many varieties. When you really think about the different variations of pasta, you realise the extent of how much it has blessed our lives. What would we do without this staple dish? it’s so quick and easy to make and almost impossible not to love. You can add whatever toppings you want to make sure it pleases your taste buds. And the best part? it’s unbelievably fast to cook. Typically uncooked pasta will take 8-12 minutes to cook. But it all depends on which pasta dish you opt for, if you cook tortellini (already made) it can in as quick as 4 minutes. So you never have the excuse of time when it comes to pasta.
Arancini’s really are to die for. They are balls of mouthwatering heaven! Especially when they are cooked perfectly until they are crisp and brown. Usually, arancini’s are stuffed with rice, mozzarella, tomato sauce and different vegetables (classically peas). And then covered in crunchy breadcrumbs for the perfect finish. The best thing about choosing to cook your own arancini’s is that you can choose any toppings you want to stuff them with. So get creative and try out different recipes!